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Ashwaganda, Will it maintain a strong growth trend in 2022?

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-07      Origin: Site

Ashwaganda, Will it maintain a strong growth trend in 2022?

Ashwaganda, Will it continue to develop rapidly in 2022?

Ashwaganda was ranked 34th in 2018. It first emerged in mainstream retail in 40 popular herbal medications. According to the market research firm spins' 2021 U.S. dietary supplement market report, Ashwaganda has become the product with the highest growth rate among functional ingredients, with a growth rate of 165.5%, far exceeding the second ranked mushroom and Lentinus edodes (65%).

Why is it growing at such a rapid pace?

Ashwaganda has been utilized in Ayurvedic therapy for thousands of years, according to reports. It is an effective adaptive agent (a chemical that increases "non-specific" resistance to unfavorable effects on the body and stress). It is commonly used to ease stress, aid sleep, and boost immunity. This corresponds to consumer needs in the post-epidemic age, as well as the current hot trend of natural functional plant development. As a result, South Ashwaganda is extremely popular.

Can Ashwaganda maintain its great growth rate in the coming year?

What are the possible benefits of Ashwaganda?

(1) Improve your sleep. A 12-week randomized, double-blind controlled trial (men and women aged 65-80) found that senior participants who received Ashwaganda root extract had significant increases in sleep, mental alertness, and quality of life when compared to those who received a placebo.

(2) Increase immunity. The albino rats made more antibodies, their immunological response increased, and their mortality was lowered after being extracted with the whole plant water of Ashwaganda.

(3) Brain protection. Ashwaganda root extract has been proven in studies to improve the activity of SH-SY5Y cells (a neurodegenerative disease Parkinson's disease model), glutathione peroxidase and mercaptan transferase activities, and regulate the expression of reactive protein under oxidative stress. The researchers believe this is due to its neuroprotective properties.

(4) It is an antioxidant. The antioxidant effect of aqueous extract of Ashwaganda root was examined in an experiment with male albino rats using Cypermethrin-induced oxidation. All biochemical and hematological parameters of male albino rats were entirely restored when fed 5 ml (10% Ashwaganda root).

extract) for 60 days;

(5) Others: relieve mood, improve memory, etc.

Baoji Oasier Bio-Tech Co., Ltd

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